98% of Tracking businesses are either the derivative of Web-Developers, who created tracking platforms with protocols that operate 1 or 2 hardware brands, or Electronic Hardware manufacturers who have created platforms for their own products. No matter which, the fact is those types of operators don't have the ability to offer a truly competitive market due to those hardware limitations. Once a user is locked into that type of platform, which we were one previously, the chance of another operator using the same hardware is minimal, the reality being competitive pricing is minuscule. However in 2019 we were approached by a UK Company who had recognised the need to provide competitive pricing not only for "New Client's" but for existing "User's" by creating a platform that could integrate a "User's" existing hardware to the system thus opening a true ability for competition offerings. Obviously with so many existing users in the market we jumped at the opportunity to be able to offer a true competitive situation, as have company's such as ours in 30 countries around the Globe, now the system provides a platform for over 1,550,000 trackers throughout the World. At last count we have the ability to integrate in excess 900 different makes and models of hardware into our system and that number is growing every day with new innovation. We can truly offer a competitive pricing for your requirements.
Cross section - but not all of the Brands compatible with our platform.
ADM Aplicom Arknav Atlanta Systems AURO AMT Aquila Track Astra Telematics Atrack Auto Leaders Autofon AutoGradfe
BCE Benway Bitrek Bofan Calamp Cantack Carcell CAREU UECO Carscorp cGuard Chetian Cityeasy Coban Concox
CradlePoint D-WAY Digital System,Poland Disha EELink Ekas Technologies Enfora EskyWireless Eview Extremtrac Fifotrack
FLexCom Flextrack Galileosky Garmin Gator Genecko GlobalSat Goome GoSafe Granit Haicom Huabao Huasheng iTrtac
IMars Intellinet iStartek ITS Jointech Keson KHD Kingneed Laipac Leafspy LKGPS Man Power Technology Megastek
Meiligao Meitrack Microhard Systems Mitrack MTX MXT Navigil Naviset Noran Nyitech OIGO OKB Technoavtamatika Oner
Other Pacific Track Pilgrim Pretrace Queclink Raveon Reachfar Recoda Ruptela Sabertek Sanav Seeworld Sierra Signal
Sinoccastel Sinotrack Skypatrol SLT Starcom Systems StarLine StarLink Suntech Supermate SZORCHID T-WIN Telic Teltonika
ThinkRace TKSTAR Topflytech Topin TopTen Totem Tech TrackingFox Trakmate Tramigo TZone Digital UPRO Ulbotech
VisionOneGPS Visiontek VJOY Car Electronics Watch WondeX Xeelectech Xexun Xirgo Zilogic Systems